Fast Foward Fund
The Del Sol Performing Arts Organization is proud to announce the Del Sol Fast Forward Fund, a shared grant of $25,000 to assist new music ensembles and composers in the Bay Area while we are unable to perform. In addition to supporting the Del Sol Quartet, the recipients are the Friction Quartet, The Living Earth Show, Splinter Reeds, ZOFO Duet, Matt Cmiel, Theresa Wong, and Pamela Z. The Fast Forward Fund is supported by a longtime donor of Del Sol. The fund is looking towards a time when we can all come together and celebrate the return of full audiences to the concert hall for a festive gala, where all recipients will share a stage together.
While this grant is unable to support the many other wonderful musicians of our rich and vibrant Bay Area new music community, we are honored to be able to recognize the work and talent of these ensembles and performers. We encourage everyone to use this time to support your favorite local artists.